Zhen Dong

Prof. Zhen Dong (董震)

I am a Professor and the head of 3S (GNSS/RS/GIS) integration department in the LIESMARS, Wuhan University. Before joining Wuhan University, I received my doctor degree advised by Prof. Bisheng Yang in 2018 and worked with Prof. Sebastian Scherer for 1 year in the Air Lab of Carnegie Mellon University. My research interest lies in the field of 3D Computer Vision, particularly including 3D reconstruction, scene understanding, point cloud processing as well as their applications in intelligent transportation system, digital twin cities, urban sustainable development and robotics.

I am looking for self-motivated students, postdocs, research assistants and visiting scholars! Please drop me an email if you are interested in working with me!

Recent News

Selected Publications

* denotes equal contributions and † denotes the corresponding author.

杨必胜, 董震
科学出版社 2020

Explicitly Guided Information Interaction Network for Cross-modal Point Cloud Completion
Hang Xu*, Chen Long*, Wenxiao Zhang, Yuan Liu, Zhe Chen, Zhen Cao, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
ECCV 2024
[Paper] [Code]
Look at the whole scene: General point cloud place recognition by classification proxy
Yue Xie*, Bing Wang*, Haiping Wang, Fuxun Liang, Wenxiao Zhang, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
ISPRS J 2024 (IF: 12.7)
[Paper] [Code]
SparseDC: Depth Completion From Sparse and Non-uniform Inputs
Chen Long*, Wenxiao Zhang, Zhe Chen, Haiping Wang, Yuan Liu, Peiling Tong, Zhen Cao, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
Information Fusion 2024 (IF: 18.6)
[Paper] [Code]
A novel method for registration of MLS and stereo reconstructed point clouds
Xiaochen Yang*, Haiping Wang*, Zhen Dong, Yuan Liu, Yuhao Li, Bisheng Yang
TGRS 2024 (IF: 8.2)
[Paper] [Code]
WHU-Urban3D An Urban scene LiDAR Point Cloud Dataset for Semantic Instance Segmentatio
Xu Han*, Chong Liu*, Yuzhou Zhou, Kai Tan, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
ISPRS J 2024 (IF: 12.7)
[Paper] [Website]
City-scale solar PV potential estimation on 3D buildings using multi-source RS data: A case study in Wuhan, China
Zhe Chen*, Bisheng Yang, Rui Zhu, Zhen Dong
Applied Energy 2024 (IF: 11.2)
[Paper] [Code]
FreeReg: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Pretrained Diffusion Models and Monocular Depth Estimators
Haiping Wang*, Yuan Liu*, Bing Wang, Yujing Sun, Zhen Dong, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang
ICLR 2024
[Paper] [Code] [Project-Page]
Robust Multiview Point Cloud Registration with Reliable Pose Graph Initialization and History Reweighting
Haiping Wang*, Yuan Liu*, Zhen Dong, Yulan Guo, Yu-Shen Liu, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang
CVPR 2023 (CCF-A)
[Paper] [Code]
RoReg: Pairwise Point Cloud Registration with Oriented Descriptors and Local Rotations
Haiping Wang*, Yuan Liu*, Qingyong Hu, Bing Wang, Jianguo wang, Zhen Dong, Yulan Guo, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang
IEEE TPAMI (IF: 24.314)
[Paper] [Code] [Project]
Modeling urban canopy air temperature at city-block scale based on urban 3D morphology parameters- A study in Tianjin, North China
Xiaorui Li, Bisheng Yang, Fuxun Liang, Hongsheng Zhang, Yong Xu, Zhen Dong
Building and Environment 2023 (IF: 7.093)
KT-Net: Knowledge Transfer for Unpaired 3D Shape Completion
Zhen Cao*, Wenxiao Zhang*, Xin Wen, Zhen Dong, Yu-Shen Liu, Xiongwu Xiao, Bisheng Yang
AAAI 2023 (CCF-A)
[Paper] [Code]
You Only Hypothesize Once: Point Cloud Registration with Rotation-equivariant Descriptors
Haiping Wang*, Yuan Liu*, Zhen Dong, Wenping Wang
ACM MM 2022 (CCF-A)
[Paper] [Code] [Project]
PC2-PU: Patch Correlation and Position Correction for Effective Point Cloud Upsampling
Chen Long*, Wenxiao Zhang*, Ruihui Li, Hao Wang, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
ACM MM 2022 (CCF-A)
[Paper] [Code]
Street-view Images Guided Street Furniture Inventory from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds
Yuzhou Zhou, Xu Han, Mingjun Peng, Haiting Li, Bo Yang, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
ISPRS J 2022 (IF: 11.774)
P2-net: Joint description and detection of local features for pixel and point matching
Bing Wang, Changhao Chen, Zhaopeng Cui, Jie Qin, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu, Zhengdi Yu, Peijun Zhao, Zhen Dong, Fan Zhu
CVPR 2021 (CCF-A)
[Paper] [Code]
Learnable motion coherence for correspondence pruning
Yuan Liu, Lingjie Liu, Cheng Lin, Zhen Dong, Wenping Wang
CVPR 2021 (CCF-A)
[Paper] [Code] [Project]
A two-stage approach for road marking extraction and modeling using MLS point clouds
Xiaoxin Mi, Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Chong Liu, Zeliang Zong, Zhenchao Yuan
ISPRS J 2021 (IF: 11.774)
A point-based deep learning network for semantic segmentation of MLS point clouds
Xu Han, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
ISPRS J 2021 (IF: 11.774)
AdaFit: Rethinking Learning-based Normal Estimation on Point Clouds
Runsong Zhu*, Yuan Liu*, Zhen Dong, Yuan Wang, Tengping Jiang, Wenping Wang, Bisheng Yang
ICCV 2021 (CCF-A, Oral)
[Paper] [Code]
A novel skyline context descriptor for rapid localization of terrestrial laser scans to airborne laser scanning point clouds
Fuxun Liang, Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Ronggang Huang, Yufu Zang, Yue Pan
ISPRS J 2020 (IF: 11.774)
Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark
Zhen Dong, Fuxun Liang, Bisheng Yang, Yusheng Xu, Yufu Zang, Jianping Li, Yuan Wang, Wenxia Dai, Hongchao Fan, Juha Hyyppä, Uwe Stilla
ISPRS J 2020 (IF: 11.774, ESI highly cited)
[Paper] [Dataset]
Hierarchical registration of unordered TLS point clouds based on binary shape context descriptor
Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang, Fuxun Liang, Ronggang Huang, Sebastian Scherer
ISPRS J 2018 (IF: 11.774)
An efficient global energy optimization approach for robust 3D plane segmentation of point clouds
Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang, Pingbo Hu, Sebastian Scherer
ISPRS J 2018 (IF: 11.774)
A new method for 3D individual tree extraction using multispectral airborne LiDAR point clouds
Wenxia Dai, Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Ahmed Shaker
ISPRS J 2018 (IF: 11.774)
A novel binary shape context for 3D local surface description
Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang, Yuan Liu, Fuxun Liang, Bijun Li, Yufu Zang
ISPRS J 2017 (IF: 11.774)
[Paper] [Code]
3D local feature BKD to extract road information from mobile laser scanning point clouds
Bisheng Yang, Yuan Liu, Zhen Dong, Fuxun Liang, Bijun Li, Xiangyang Peng
ISPRS J 2017 (IF: 11.774)
Computing multiple aggregation levels and contextual features for road facilities recognition using mobile laser scanning data
Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Yuan Liu, Fuxun Liang, Yongjun Wang
ISPRS J 2017 (IF: 11.774)


Academic Activities